Posts about writing
Latex in Google Docs

Pretty cool stuff, now you can edit Latex from google docs. Check it out here. Too bad i decided a long time ago to use HTML+CSS for my resume, otherwise i would definitely give this a try over offline Latex editors :)

Organizing texts

I recently took another look at all the different texts I wrote in the past and came to the conclusion that I really need a central place to handle all of that.

Due to the fact that I don't feel like maintaining the Java desktop application I created...

Blog usability tips

I recently came across a really useful article about blog usability tips. I still think the best tip for any blogger is to write about things he/she is passionate about, but these can give you a bit of a boost presenting your content.

Here's my take...

The site is back

After struggling for a while with the server's remote admin interface I managed to bring the whole thing up again.

I'm currently planning to start working on an idea that has been tinkling around in my brain for the past few days. More on that later....