Java in Firefox after v52.0 (Checkpoint VPN)

8 years ago

Firefox has changed a few things in its plugin infrastructure and that means Java will no longer work properly after version 52.0 (especially if you are using Checkpoint VPN to access work).

Fortunately one can always install older versions, present here:

Also, be sure to disable automatic updates in the settings to prevent the browser from updating itself (default).

Bonus step (if you are on the mac configuring Checkpoint):

The newest OSX has a safety feature called SIP (System Integration Protection) that will prevent the checkpoint from installing the required files in the system. To work around this, you need to disable it temporarily:

  • Boot into recovery mode (restart and press Command + R on hearing the beep)
  • Open the terminal and type:
  • csrutil disable
  • Reboot
  • Access the vpn and the snx_extender installation step will work.
  • Go back into recovery and enable SIP again:
  • csrutil enable

Happy VPN'ing