Posts about command line
OSX - Command line battery cycles information

Here's how to get the number of battery charging cycles on your laptop on OSX:

    ioreg -l | grep LegacyBatteryInfo | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr -d \} | tr ',' '=' | awk -F'=' '{print $12}'

'Internet speed test from the command line'

Here's a neat trick: Measuring your Internet download speed from the command line.

Basically you need wget to download a big file (download to /dev/null will not waste disk space ;)) and simply check the average speed at the end.

Something like:


Change file modified and creation date/hour

Here's how to change a file's modified date:

touch -mt 201102260000 <file>

Where "201102260000" is year, month, day, hours, minutes all glued together (so 2011-02-26 at 00:00).

Also, if you want to change both the modified and creation...

Update server not available (error- 12) on OSX

Here's the definitive fix for this annoying-as-hell problem:

1. Run the following on the command line: sudo...