'Way too many websites'

9 years ago

I don't know about you but - over the years - i've amassed way too many different blog and social services' accounts. [Posterous](http://posterous.com) (now closed), [Blogger](http://blogger.com), [Tumblr](http://tumblr.com), [Wordpress](http://wordpress.com), this self hosted blog, [Facebook](http://facebook.com/nocivus), [Twitter](http://twitter.com/nocivus), [Pinterest](http://pinterest.com), [Instagram](http://instagram.com), [Flickr](http://flickr.com), [Picasa](http://picasaweb.com), [Foursquare](http://foursquare.com), Gowalla (now closed), the list is endless.

Since we all know there is a limit to the amount of information that can be both broadcasted and consumed i finally decided to give into the urge to close a bunch of those extra accounts, starting with Tumblr.

Hopefully i will dedicate more time to my main blog, maybe even give it a proper name :)