Yesterday i made my first attempt at selling an Android application on the Play Store. Knowing both the Apple Store and the Play Store, i can't help thinking that the latter was a much more pleasant experience than Apple's. Maybe because of the underlying web technology, or the fact that the pages loaded faster, or simply because the number of steps was lower and their explanation was much more trivial, i have to admit that i prefer Google's experience.
In any case, this is purely from a merchant developer's perspective, it has nothing to do with the stores' experiences to the customers. In that regard both Apple and Google did a fantastic job. Google even went the extra mile allowing you to purchase stuff on the web store and "telling" your device to install it automagically. I, for one, love that feature.
That's it. This was mostly a comparison post and, at the same time, an experiment for my new multisite blog installation with both English and my native language, Portuguese. If you click the flag on the left sidebar you should be transported to the same post in a different language. Fingers crossed ;)