Posts about computers
Stupid android app number 2 - Fortune Poopees

Need an android fortune cookie, sans the cookie? Meet Fortune Poopees :)

I have problems, i know :)

SecuritySpy Control

Yesterday i made my first attempt at selling an Android application on the Play Store. Knowing both the Apple Store and the Play Store, i can't help thinking that the latter was a much more pleasant experience than Apple's. Maybe because of the...

How to get the "watch" command line tool on OSX

1. Download it. curl -O 2. Unzip and move into folder.

2. Make file executable. chmod +x watch 3. Move it to somewhere in $PATH. sudo mv watch /usr/local/bin/ 4. Done.


I would love to try out EnemyGraph...

...the new facebook app that let's you keep track of your enemies.

Unfortunately they seem to not being able to cope with the network traffic :(