Posts about linux
FISH Shell - How to set tmux window/pane title based on current command and directory

Here's a neat trick: Setting the current tmux window/pane title to the current running command. In case there is no command running, show the current working directory. But trim it a little, so we don't end up with huge window titles :)

In your...

Change file modified and creation date/hour

Here's how to change a file's modified date:

touch -mt 201102260000 <file>

Where "201102260000" is year, month, day, hours, minutes all glued together (so 2011-02-26 at 00:00).

Also, if you want to change both the modified and creation...

Change windows Administrator password

Recently I had some problems on my windows box and, somehow, I lost the administrator password. While trying to recover it from Linux, I managed to erase my entire partition table information. I thought everything was lost, but Linux (and google)once...