Posts about osx
Helium - A floating window for your media [OSX]

My new favorite application for OSX is called Helium

It's basically something that allows you to keep an always-on-top window with whatever video (youtube, local, etc.) you want to have playing while you do other things. 

Pretty awesome!

OSX - Command line battery cycles information

Here's how to get the number of battery charging cycles on your laptop on OSX:

    ioreg -l | grep LegacyBatteryInfo | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr -d \} | tr ',' '=' | awk -F'=' '{print $12}'

Hammerspoon - OSX automation in Lua for the win

For those who don't know, Hammerspoon is a fantastic automation tool for OS X.  It's basically a bridge between the operating system and the Lua scripting language. With its set of extensions (which you can write your own, by the way) you can automate...

"Call piped shell commands from Objective-C"

If you happen to want to know how to run - say - the following command from inside an Objective-C application:

echo "something something" | multimarkdown

So that the fantastic [MultiMarkdown]( runs its magic...