Sometimes i wonder why anyone enjoys writing at all.
As if my mind was not confusing enough, with all the absurd and senseless thoughts that run through my head all day long. Why the hell would i want to write any of that on paper? For later to...
Is it me or people are respecting each other less and less every day? You see it all the time: someone trying to get in line in front of you - at the supermarket, people yelling at their kids in the middle of the street (and the kids yelling back at...
It's funny how the greatest revelations come to us in thee strangest places. I'm having dinner in a shopping mall and all of a sudden, while thinking about why humans get bored, it strikes me that we are the ones who make everything boring. It's our...
Holland is a vacuum that will slowly suck all the hospitality and pleasantness until all that's left of your sunny and bright self is a raw savage.