Posts about technology
Count (group by) number of line occurrences in file

Here's a neat ruby script to group and count the number of occurrences of lines inside a given file.

count.rb list = IO.readlines(ARGV[0]) h = {|hash, key| hash[key] = 0} list.each {|item| h[item] += 1} h = h.sort_by { |k,v| v }.reverse...

Idea - HTML WYSIWYG editor with Flickr upload support

The biggest problem with this, is that WP's interface to create posts is, again, awesome. You can find plugins for pretty much anything, especially to do tasks that are otherwise plain boring, like uploading pictures to your flickr account and...

HTML WYSIWYG editor with Flickr upload support?

Lately i've been tinkering around with the idea of recreating my blog in a more handcrafted way (ruby on rails) as opposed to the current implementation using Wordpress. Don't get me wrong Wordpress is awesome. It has many years and millions of...