Trying out the android app

So I come back from the road trip and what's they'd first thing I do? Install the wordpress android app so I can blog anywhere, hehe. I kind of decided to use my blog as it was intended (as a web log), not necessarily as people see them these days (as...

Going on a road trip

For the past few years i've been playing around with the idea of going on a road trip but was never able to get anyone else on board. After people start working it becomes very hard to organize common vacations amongst friends, so it just never...

My face in space?

[caption id="attachment_1103" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Congratulations, you're face has been stolen..."] [/caption]

Wanna get your face in space? Just go to NASA's website, choose a mission, and upload your pic. Time waste? Maybe. Fun...

Isn't music very similar?

One thing that both annoys and amazes me is the limited number of chord combinations in most songs. It's extremely frequent to hear a musical composition and get that feeling that you heard it before. And we are probably right most of the times.
