If, like me, you suffer from lazius extremis (lazy bastard, for the layman), you probably hate having to lock your computer when you leave and entering a password when you come back.
Fear not, young padawan, UDEV and xdotool to the rescue!
And why, you might ask? For one because i made it :)
But seriously, if you are into intense, repetition-based training, you might want to take a look at it. It's an [iOS app](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/training-time!/id692787267?mt=8) that...
Running the risk of spoiling some things, i think i'll start with some of my favorite quotes from the live event :) Gizmodo on Jony Ive's video: "It's like saying you've been completely redesigned when you come back to eight grade two inches taller."...