Posts about wtf
10 years ago
Updating Google Chrome on MacOSX is broken!
Or am i the only one who could never, ever, update Google Chrome through the "About" box?
Everytime i press "Update" here:
I get this:
Anyone knows if there a solution to this?
10 years ago
Wank'o'meter is fun
Last night i laughed like i didn't in a really long time, watching my brother play with the android app "wank'o'meter". Try it out, it's guaranteed fun :)
Is Bin Laden dead? I'll believe it when i see it.
Are you kidding me? His body buried in the sea? This is the most wanted person in the history of the world and they don't bring back the body to prove - without a shadow of a doubt - that he is truly dead? Give me a break.
I'll believe he is gone...